Automated Compliance & CQC

5 Must Have Compliance Software Features HR Workers Are Loving in 2022

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Nulla congue libero eu libero efficitur, non fringilla dolor ultricies.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse potenti.

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Cras varius ultrices ipsum id dictum. Suspendisse tincidunt mauris ligula, et dictum diam molestie sit amet. Vivamus nec egestas neque, in finibus est. Vivamus pretium euismod tellus et porta. Mauris tempor dui est, nec cursus nunc vehicula vel. Nullam fermentum convallis urna sit amet pharetra. Morbi ex ipsum, aliquam in tortor in, ultrices pretium nunc. Nullam auctor euismod nunc, non ornare lectus fringilla id. Nullam lobortis pharetra libero at accumsan. Morbi finibus ex vel ligula faucibus malesuada. Mauris id facilisis velit. Aenean et vulputate leo. Morbi in massa accumsan, congue felis non, accumsan ante.

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Heading 3

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  • Sed hendrerit felis lacinia risus iaculis feugiat.
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  • Nam nec tellus ullamcorper, consectetur massa in, tincidunt justo.

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  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  2. Sed hendrerit felis lacinia risus iaculis feugiat.
  3. Aliquam in lectus ac metus consectetur pellentesque lobortis nec orci.
  4. Nam nec tellus ullamcorper, consectetur massa in, tincidunt justo.

Fusce mollis posuere urna, at rutrum sapien tincidunt a. Praesent mattis mauris massa, vitae luctus nisi finibus eget. Ut scelerisque neque nisl, eget commodo lectus pretium non. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent ac libero malesuada, ultricies magna sit amet, tempor sapien.

This is a quote block. Fusce mollis posuere urna, at rutrum sapien tincidunt a. Praesent mattis mauris massa, vitae luctus nisi finibus eget. Ut scelerisque neque nisl, eget commodo lectus pretium non. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent ac libero malesuada, ultricies magna sit amet, tempor sapien.

Cras varius ultrices ipsum id dictum. Suspendisse tincidunt mauris ligula, et dictum diam molestie sit amet. Vivamus nec egestas neque, in finibus est. Vivamus pretium euismod tellus et porta. Mauris tempor dui est, nec cursus nunc vehicula vel. Nullam fermentum convallis urna sit amet pharetra. Morbi ex ipsum, aliquam in tortor in, ultrices pretium nunc. Nullam auctor euismod nunc, non ornare lectus fringilla id. Nullam lobortis pharetra libero at accumsan. Morbi finibus ex vel ligula faucibus malesuada. Mauris id facilisis velit. Aenean et vulputate leo. Morbi in massa accumsan, congue felis non, accumsan ante.

In the UK, as in many other parts of the world, Human Resource (HR) professionals are responsible for more than just recruiting talent. Since they form the "human" arm of the business, they are also responsible for handling employee engagement, inclusion, and wellness needs. As many companies are rolling over to the hybrid work model, many HR teams have been working on revamping their workforce management systems, which means changing everything from how employees are onboarded to engagement, exiting and rewards. 

It has become imperative for businesses in the healthcare sector to digitalise their core HR functions to adapt to the now-changing hybrid and remote workforce model. Fortunately, human resource software solutions have significantly transformed how people in the health care industry recruit. If anything, these tools are speeding up the process. 

It is imperative for businesses in the health care sector to choose HR software that consists of onboarding, recruitment, employee performance management, offboarding and payroll, amongst other modules. This will help the HR department hire more efficiently and manage their workers, including those working remotely. In other words, this digitises the employee lifecycle. 

Some features are more effective and hence more popular than others, especially in the healthcare sector. Below are five compliance software features that HR workers love because it makes their lives easier. 

Easy Document Upload 

Now, this may not seem like a killer feature, but almost every HR worker in the healthcare industry or even any other industry will tell you that it is life-altering! Software like Credentially makes uploading a document simpler and faster than any other application. All applicants need is to drag and drop scanned documents into their profile, enter the GMC number, and everything else is taken care of. 

The software uses an identification algorithm that automatically identifies and labels all compliance documents. An expiry number is also assigned to them so that they are reminded when the document is about to expire. This helps ensure that the HR department continues to remain in compliance. 

Quickly Capture Information 

People working in HR often don't have the time for mundane tasks. However, even if they do, their time would be better spent elsewhere than trying to capture or enter the correct information. That's where having software that automates the process comes in. 

Leading compliance software like Credentially automates creating and distributing questionnaires, especially during the initial onboarding process. This makes it possible to quickly capture all valuable information from employees and candidates while ensuring a high response rate. The system can also validate information, which takes much of a load off HR executives working in busy healthcare service organizations. The automated capture system can also be tweaked to meet the business's needs. 

Automated Reference Checking 

One of the most time-consuming aspects of screening candidates is checking references. It has consistently kept the NHS' hiring bogged down, and things will not change until they incorporate an automated reference checking system like the one offered by Credentially. 

By automating the clinical referencing process, software features like the ones offered by Credentially can be a potential game-changer by increasing the speed at which the HR department hires people. The software feature also makes it possible to request multiple references and then manage responses while tracking the request's status. 

Integration With uCheck 

The beauty of being integrated with DBS uCheck is that applicants only need to upload a scanned photograph of the DBS certificate, or they can confirm their subscription via the DBS update feature. The software then handles everything else, like automatically verifying if the certificate is valid. 

While the feature may not sound like a huge deal because verifying a certificate does not take very long, think about how much time people save when several hundred of these need to be verified. The feature saves HR executives and their departments hundreds of person-hours each year. 

E-Signature and Policy Review 

An e-signature function or feature built into the software makes it quick and easy for staff to sign policies and contracts remotely. This will facilitate the rapid recruitment of crucial clinical staff while ensuring everyone is on top of policy and training needs. 

Documents can be marked with expiration reminders to ensure patient safety and help maintain CQC compliance. Again, this takes a big load off executives in a business that needs to sign potentially dozens of documents each week. However, the feature also ensures that everyone continues to be compliant with present internal and external policies.

Final Word – A Comprehensive Dashboard

We saved talking about the best, most important feature of any HR compliance software for last because it is a no-brainer but the most crucial part of the puzzle. The dashboard is something we've all gotten used to, but without it, we'd be hunting for data, scrolling through menus and still be lost. 

A comprehensive dashboard like the one we have at Credentially provides a quick overview of all data that matters to the HR department and compliance officers. However, the dashboard can be easily customised to meet the individual needs of every business so that they can see the data that matters the most to them. 

The first step for businesses is to invest in compliance software with all the features that meet their needs. Fortunately, Credentially can be customised to meet the need of every business and across every industry. 

How can you automate compliance?
Easy, contact Credentially to find out more.
Book a Demo
Our client case studies
Learn how Dr Fertility have made their compliance process simple in preparation for their CQC inspection and the ability to evidence compliance quickly for inspectors.

Find out how Urgent Care provider HUC has drastically reduced time to hire down to as little as three days by automating credentialing and onboarding processes.

3 Reasons Providers Fail CQC Inspections

“No system to ensure all staff have full pre-employment checks completed”
“Failure to deploy adequate numbers of suitably qualified staff”
“No system in place to review and communicate role-specific training or policies to staff”

Are you CQC ready?

1. Do you think there is there a link between staffing and the ability to deliver safe, effective services?
2. Do you have any digital tools, such as online staff management, that can help get the right people on duty at the right time?
3. Can you automate key aspects of employee onboarding to ensure the right mix of skills is available within your teams?
4. Can you evidence documents, DBS checks, right to work checks, certifications, training records, policies and reporting for CQC inspectors?
5. Is all your documentation regularly kept up to date?
6. Do your staff understand their responsibilities and how well can they link their work back to current guidelines and best practices?
7. Can you evidence that policies are communicated to staff and they are read and understood?
8. Do you have a digital document management system in place to ‘send and sign’ new or amended policies or documents to staff?
9. Do you record staff training and development that you can show CQC inspectors?
10. Can you provide clear evidence of how you are developing and improving your services?

Take Action

More than 5 no's?
If you answered 'no' to any of the questions then you need onboarding and credentialing software to help you get CQC compliant.
How your competitors fixed it
Between 3-5 no's?
If you answered a mix of 'yes' and 'no' then you need to improve compliance in time for your CQC inspection.
Learn how to be CQC ready
Less than 2 no's?
It sounds like you’ve got a grip on things, but did you know you can automate compliance and credentialing to further improve processes and impress CQC?
Take it to the next level
Ready to revolutionise your onboarding & compliance?
See Credentially in Action
Ready to revolutionize your onboarding & compliance?
See Credentially in Action