Pre-employment & Onboarding

5 Mistakes Sabotaging Your Healthcare Recruitment Profits (With Fixes)

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In the world of healthcare, the pursuit of excellence in recruitment is relentless. Challenges persist, but what if the true obstacles to your success aren't external but rather concealed within your organisation? These internal hurdles, often masked as 'business as usual,' can elude even the most seasoned leaders. In this article, we'll shed light on these pitfalls and navigate a way forward to fuel your strategic vision.

1. Precision Through Automated Credential Verification


In today's fiercely competitive healthcare recruitment landscape, the traditional manual approach to credential verification can lead to significant delays. On average, candidates endure weeks or even months for the onboarding process, which not only strains your resources but also increases the risk of losing valuable talent due to frustration.

Solution & Benefit:

Elevate your recruitment game by automating your credential verification process with a platform like Credentially. This strategic move not only simplifies pre-employment checks, onboarding, and compliance but also dramatically improves efficiency. Credentially serves as a comprehensive solution, providing automated checks with databases such as DBS, GMC, NMC, HCPC, and more while serving as a centralised hub for all your staff documentation needs. This translates into substantial time savings and a noticeable reduction in administrative burdens. You can explore Credentially with an interactive demo whenever you want, allowing you to experience its benefits firsthand.


Credentially adopts a simple pricing model based on the number of users, ensuring that your organisation receives a cost-effective solution tailored to its unique needs and budget.


By embracing Credentially, healthcare recruitment agencies gain tangible benefits, including fewer candidate dropouts, enhanced data security, and a remarkable 67% reduction in costs compared to manual administration processes. This investment delivers not only financial savings but also a substantial boost in recruitment efficiency and effectiveness.

2. Data-Driven Recruitment: Transforming Tactics


Relying on intuition over actionable insights can undermine the potential for profit maximisation.


Immerse yourself in the realm of real-time analytics. Utilise tools like Tableau or Power BI to monitor trends, track candidate origins, and anticipate market dynamics. These platforms empower data-driven decision-making, enabling you to distinguish your organisation in the market.


Tableau and Power BI both offer free trials. After the trial period, Tableau's subscription plans start at £60 per user per month, and Power BI's Pro subscription plan starts at £8.20 per user per month.


Research from the Havard Business Review indicates that companies leading their industries in data-driven decision-making were 5% more productive and 6% more profitable than their peers. Beyond profitability, this approach can also drive cost reductions and enhance overall operational efficiency.

3. Continuous Development: A Strategic Imperative


Many healthcare recruitment companies are unknowingly hindering their profits by assuming that initial team training is sufficient, missing out on potential opportunities for improvement.


To address this issue, it's essential to recognise that the healthcare recruitment field is constantly evolving. As decision-makers in your recruitment company, prioritising continuous improvement is key. Ensure that your team participates in regular workshops, webinars, and training sessions to stay up-to-date with the latest best practices and regulatory updates. You can enhance your team's knowledge and skills by exploring platforms such as LinkedIn Learning, which offers tailored courses specifically designed for the healthcare recruitment industry.


Keep in mind that LinkedIn Learning provides a range of subscription plans, including a free option for students and job seekers. Premium subscription plans start at just £29.99 per month.


According to the Association for Talent Development (ATD), companies that invest in ongoing employee development tend to enjoy a 24% higher profit margin compared to those that do not. This data highlights the significant impact that continued investment in training and development can have on your healthcare recruitment company's profitability. By addressing this challenge and embracing a commitment to improvement, you can ensure the financial success of your business.

4. Enhancing NHS Talent Acquisition with Predictive Analytics


In the dynamic field of healthcare recruitment, you face a formidable challenge. The quest for top-tier talent within the NHS is unrelenting, compounded by the high demand for healthcare professionals and a limited pool of qualified candidates. Identifying and securing the right individuals for critical roles can be an ongoing struggle.


Fortunately, there's a powerful solution at your disposal – predictive analytics. This sophisticated tool can redefine your healthcare recruitment strategy practically. Here's how:

How to Implement Predictive Analytics in Healthcare Recruitment:

  1. Choose a Predictive Analytics Platform: Start by selecting a predictive analytics platform suitable for your organisation. Consider options like IBM Watson Talent,, or HireVue.
  2. Collect Data: Predictive analytics models rely on the data they're trained on. Ensure you collect data from various sources, such as your applicant tracking system (ATS), social media, and job boards.
  3. Build Your Model: Once you've gathered your data, you can start building your predictive analytics model. This process involves inputting your data into the platform and defining what you want to predict, such as identifying candidates likely to excel in specific NHS roles.
  4. Test Your Model: After building your model, test it to assess its performance. Compare the model's predictions with actual outcomes, using data from past candidates. If the model doesn't perform as expected, you may need to adjust parameters or collect more data.
  5. Use Your Model: When you're satisfied with your model's performance, incorporate it into your recruitment process. For instance, use it to pre-screen candidates or identify potential candidates at risk of leaving their current roles.


Now, let's delve into the practicalities – pricing. Predictive analytics platforms offer a range of options to accommodate different budgets, including:

  • Open-source platforms like Apache Spark, a cost-effective way to build and deploy predictive analytics models.
  • Many predictive analytics vendors provide free trials or freemium plans, ensuring a cost-effective entry into the realm of predictive analytics.


Here's the exciting part – the return on investment (ROI) for predictive analytics in healthcare recruitment can be substantial. Studies have demonstrated that companies leveraging predictive analytics in their hiring processes achieve:

  • Reduced time to hire, expediting critical staffing.
  • Elevated quality of hires, ensuring top-notch patient care.
  • Lowered cost of hiring, benefiting your organisation's bottom line.
  • Improved employee retention, fostering a more engaged workforce.

By embracing predictive analytics and implementing it practically in your healthcare recruitment processes, you can mitigate the risks associated with suboptimal hires, enhance the overall quality of your recruitment, and optimise your use of time and resources. This not only enhances your organisation's bottom line but also cultivates a more engaged and productive workforce.

5. Digital Transformation: Broadening Horizons


As healthcare recruitment leaders, you're acutely aware of the limitations of relying solely on traditional recruitment channels. This challenge restricts access to a broader talent pool and can hinder growth, especially as the healthcare landscape evolves, demanding an ever-expanding pool of highly qualified candidates.


To address this challenge effectively, consider a comprehensive digital transformation strategy that harnesses advanced digital recruitment tools and platforms. Here's how:

How to Strategically Implement Digital Transformation:

Diversify Your Channels: Extend your recruitment horizons by exploring an array of digital recruitment tools and platforms tailored to the unique demands of your healthcare recruitment agency. This could encompass:

  • Leveraging LinkedIn Talent Solutions for access to a vast professional network.
  • Capitalising on the wide reach of platforms like Indeed.
  • Exploring specialised healthcare job boards designed to cater specifically to your industry.
  • Integrating advanced applicant tracking systems (ATS) like BambooHR, offering not just job posting but also sophisticated candidate management features.


Digital recruitment platforms offer far-reaching advantages that go beyond the basics:

  • Wider Reach: These platforms empower you to connect with candidates who may not be actively seeking new roles or who lie beyond the reach of traditional networks.
  • Efficiency Gains: Digital recruitment platforms automate critical tasks such as job posting, candidate screening, and interview scheduling. This automation liberates valuable time for strategic activities like nurturing candidate relationships and making informed hiring decisions.
  • Enhanced Candidate Experience: Modern platforms offer candidates an exceptional experience, including user-friendly job applications, mobile-optimised job postings, and transparent application tracking.


Digital recruitment platforms offer varied pricing structures to cater to diverse budgets:

  • Cost-Efficient Options: For instance, Indeed offers a free plan for employers posting up to 50 jobs per month.
  • Trial Periods: BambooHR provides a free trial period for new customers, allowing you to assess its suitability for your agency's needs.


The return on investment (ROI) of digital recruitment is compelling:

  • Elevated Hiring Standards: Studies indicate that 58% of candidates feel that a good recruitment process experience will make them more likely to accept a role.
  • Time Savings: Furthermore, digital recruitment can significantly reduce the time-to-hire, in some cases by up to 40%.

Conclusion: Empowering Healthcare Recruitment

In the dynamic field of healthcare recruitment, the pursuit of excellence is relentless. Throughout this article, we've illuminated five critical challenges and their practical solutions, designed to empower leaders like you in the healthcare recruitment industry.

From the precision and efficiency offered by Credentially's automated credential verification to the transformative potential of data-driven decisions, continuous development, predictive analytics, and digital transformation, the path to success requires addressing these hurdles head-on. By implementing these solutions, you can enhance profitability, streamline processes, and secure the best talent for your healthcare recruitment agency.

How can you automate compliance?
Easy, contact Credentially to find out more.
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Our client case studies
Learn how Dr Fertility have made their compliance process simple in preparation for their CQC inspection and the ability to evidence compliance quickly for inspectors.

Find out how Urgent Care provider HUC has drastically reduced time to hire down to as little as three days by automating credentialing and onboarding processes.

3 Reasons Providers Fail CQC Inspections

“No system to ensure all staff have full pre-employment checks completed”
“Failure to deploy adequate numbers of suitably qualified staff”
“No system in place to review and communicate role-specific training or policies to staff”

Are you CQC ready?

1. Do you think there is there a link between staffing and the ability to deliver safe, effective services?
2. Do you have any digital tools, such as online staff management, that can help get the right people on duty at the right time?
3. Can you automate key aspects of employee onboarding to ensure the right mix of skills is available within your teams?
4. Can you evidence documents, DBS checks, right to work checks, certifications, training records, policies and reporting for CQC inspectors?
5. Is all your documentation regularly kept up to date?
6. Do your staff understand their responsibilities and how well can they link their work back to current guidelines and best practices?
7. Can you evidence that policies are communicated to staff and they are read and understood?
8. Do you have a digital document management system in place to ‘send and sign’ new or amended policies or documents to staff?
9. Do you record staff training and development that you can show CQC inspectors?
10. Can you provide clear evidence of how you are developing and improving your services?

Take Action

More than 5 no's?
If you answered 'no' to any of the questions then you need onboarding and credentialing software to help you get CQC compliant.
How your competitors fixed it
Between 3-5 no's?
If you answered a mix of 'yes' and 'no' then you need to improve compliance in time for your CQC inspection.
Learn how to be CQC ready
Less than 2 no's?
It sounds like you’ve got a grip on things, but did you know you can automate compliance and credentialing to further improve processes and impress CQC?
Take it to the next level
Ready to revolutionise your onboarding & compliance?
See Credentially in Action
Ready to revolutionize your onboarding & compliance?
See Credentially in Action